The ĠEMMA team is pleased to present Part II in the series of its Little Black Book of Scams and Frauds.
This new e-book discusses the following frauds and scams and offers you tips to protect yourself:
- ATM use fraud.
- Elderly relatives financial fraud.
- Cold Calling scams
- Business e-Mail compromise fraud
- Phishing, Vishing, Smishing and Pharming scams.
- Subscription traps.

The objective of ĠEMMA’s series of Little Black Books of Scams and Frauds is to make you familiar with the many scams and frauds that are perpetuated and equip you with some knowledge on how you can protect yourself. Indeed, knowing what to look for and some basic tips to follow go a long way towards keeping you safe from becoming a victim.
The ĠEMMA team will hold a Webinar on scams and frauds and will be also discussing sections of the two ‘Little Black Books of Scams and Frauds’ on Tuesday July 14th from 1000 hrs to 1130 hrs. Click here to register your spot to attend the webinar. Details of the panel will be made available closer to the date.