Do you have a start-up, are you self-employed or self-occupied, an entrepreneur starting on your own business or someone thinking of becoming self-employed?
ĠEMMA, the Malta Tax and Customs Administration, HSBC Malta Foundation and EY have all teamed up to offer you a free, online Business Masterclass composed of an number of interesting and very informative sessions. You can register and attend any, or all of the sessions to learn more about running a small or medium sized enterprise. The sessions are one hour long and start at 17:00.
Below, you can find a list of all the dates when the sessions will be held, and their respective registration links. Participants must register for each session individually as one may decide which sessions to attend.
1st November 2023 – Business Management by EY
- 17:00 - 18:00
The Business Management session delivered by EY will cover essentials you need to master your business, mainly focusing on how to manage your cash flow effectively, how to draw up a business plan (the tips & tricks), as well as other considerations to keep in check under self-employment.
8th November 2023 – Key Components surrounding SME’s and their Impact on Profitability by ĠEMMA
- 17:00 - 18:00
The ideal situation for most businesses is to exist in isolation with no competitors, no need for suppliers, no government intervention, no demographic changes and so on. But how realistic is that? Embracing competition, engaging with suppliers, adhering to regulations, adapting to demographic changes, and studying the internal mechanism of a business are essential ingredients for long-term success and profitability.
15th November 2023 – VAT Compliance by the Malta Tax and Customs Administration (MTCA)
- 17:00 - 18:00
The Business Masterclass for Small and Medium Enterprises, or for those thinking of becoming self-employed, shall be delivered by Malta Tax and Customs Administration (MCTA) and shall cover Value Added Tax Compliance for Small and Medium Sized Businesses.
22nd November 2023 – Tax and Social Security Contributions by the Malta Tax and Customs Administration (MTCA)
- 17:00 - 18:00
This session will cover Tax and the importance of of Social Security Contributions for the owners of Small and Medium Sized Businesses. It will be delivered by Malta Tax and Customs Administration (MCTA)
28th November 2023 – Financial Capability by HSBC Malta Foundation
The final session of the Business Masterclass covers Financial Capability and is delivered by HSBC
Malta Foundation. This session deals with the important skills of money management from a Small
and Medium Sized business owner’s perspective. Financial Capability skills are often taken for
granted but they are an important life-skill for everyone, but even more so for those who are self-
employed or planning to take the leap into self-employment.
- 17:00 - 18:00
Details Coming soon.