Financial capability is an essential life-skill and early exposure to basic concepts help young people to have a more financially sustainable future. Year 4 up to Year 6 pupils now have the opportunity to an engaging learning event specifically developed to help meet this need.
ĠEMMA within the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights, and Social Solidarity has developed ĠEMMA FTIT, an Interactive Play on financial capability. This Interactive Play was presented with the collaboration of HSBC Malta Foundation during Skola Sajf this summer and was well received by children attending the programme with significant engagement.
ĠEMMA FTIT portrays an extended family consisting of the protagonists who are a 12-year old boy and girl who are twins and their parents and maternal grandparents. The video-play is structured to engage the children viewing it with, for example, the mother asking them questions while ĠEMMA interacts directly with the audience.
ĠEMMA FTIT session during Skolasajf
ĠEMMA FTIT is directed towards late primary students and focuses on the following financial capability themes:
- Budgeting
- Saving
- Spending
- Prioritisation
- Understanding the difference between needs and wants
What is ĠEMMA? ĠEMMA is the government’s campaign for financial capability – setting at its vision the importance of improving the financial capability of Maltese citizens to enable them to reach better informed financial decisons that fit their individual circumstance. ĠEMMA identifies the following skills domains that persons should have to be financially capable: managing debt; managing a daily budget; building a safety net; planning for the future; understanding the financial landscape; and understanding their basic consumer rights. ĠEMMA is a play on words: ĠEMMA a girl’s name in Maltese and ĠEMMA in the Maltese langauge means ‘to save’. These are put together into ĠEMMA, a honey bee: a hard worker who is very productive and shares her wealth with the rest of her community, and saves for a better life.
HSBC recognises its wider commitments to society – and a key understanding is that growth must be sustainable. The HSBC Malta Foundation seeks to work with individuals and the community to shape a sustainable future. Drawing from HSBC Group resources and a network of partners it works to tackle critical problems in sustainable finance, entrepreneurship and sustainable networks, and future skills As part of the HSBC Future Skills Programme, the Foundation is providing Malta’s communities – as well as its customers and employees – with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the modern economy. Raising financial literacy among the Maltese communities is the second pillar of the Foundation’s new Future Skills programme. The first pillar being the Employability Pillar.
The play together with the ĠEMMA direct audience interaction is designed to fit a school lesson period.
This highly engaging production is freely available to Heads of Primary schools and or teachers who wish to hold the ĠEMMA FTIT interactive play for their students. Those wishing to take up this offer are to contact the following so that a time and day is scheduled during the following time schedules: 2019 – till end of November; and 2020 from mid January till end of June:
The HSBC Malta Foundation:
Glenn Bugeja – [email protected] or
Astrid Micallef Saliba – [email protected]
It is advisable that bookings for the scholastic year 2019/20 are effected as early as possible.
Your school needs to make the following facilities available:
For student groups greater than 20:
- Hall
- Large screen
- Projector with audio system capable of accommodating a remote microphone or a TV with HDMI.
For student groups numbering less than 20
- Large classroom big enough to comfortably accommodate the students
- Interactive board
- A cleared area at the front of the room to allow movement by the interlocutor.