Over 51 entries were entered by 36 different authors in the ĠEMMA Financial Capability Education Fun Books Competition which closed on the 30th September 2020. The stories needed to cover topics related to financial capability like managing a debt; budgeting; building a safety net; planning for the future; underdstanding basic investment and understanding basic consumer rights and include themes of inclusion, healthy living, diversity, Maltese traditions, and mathematics.
The entries were quite evenly split among the two age catergories (5-8 and 5-11 years of age) and between Maltese and English. The ultimate objective is to provide primary schools teachers with the resources that allow them to introduce to pupils important financial capability life skills at a very early age.
“We are very encouraged by the response which indeed exceeded our expectations,” said David Spiteri-Gingell, ĠEMMA Team Leader. “We will now be starting the judging process and aim to announce the winners towards the end of January 2021”.
The winners of the competition will be sharing a prize fund of €12,000 across the two categories.
The ĠEMMA Financial Capability Education Fun Books Competition was launched at the beginning of August 2020 by the Dr Michael Falzon, Minister for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity and Dr Owen Bonnici, Minister for Education and Employment as the latest collaborative effort between the two entities.
For more information about ĠEMMA Know, Plan, Act visit www.gemma.gov.mt or email [email protected].