Turning 18? Kickstart your financial journey!

You’re 18, an adult and your life and priorities are changing fast. Money is a central part of your life and so is knowing how to make and manage it. It’s easy to feel pressured to fit in – to spend like your friends or get stuff you’ve seen on TikTok. But hey, don’t fall…

Some Pension Tips for Women

Women on average will retire with significantly less money than men, according to studies conducted worldwide, and some one-third of women rely on their partner’s pension as their main source of funding in retirement.  This is putting many women in a vulnerable position, especially if they were to separate or divorce – they may find…

Saving Money for a Rainy Day and the Ensuing Economic Tsunami

High-interest rates discourage investments due to high borrowing costs. Inflation, on the other hand, discourages people from spending as they can buy less with the same amount of money. Central banks use interest rates as a medicine to cure inflation. However, the medicine doesn’t seem to work. Even though the Federal Reserve has increased interest…