ĠEMMA celebrating 2 YEARS since its launch
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An Interactive Learning Experience in Financial Capability for Primary School Puplis – Year 4 to Year 6CIRCULAR Financial capability is an essential life-skill and early exposure to basic concepts help young people to have a more financially sustainable future. Year 4 up to Year 6 pupils now have the opportunity to an engaging learning event…
What is identity theft? This is the fraudulent practice of using another person’s personal information, assuming his/ her identity in order to obtain a material advantage to commit fraud or other criminal acts. What can you do to protect yourself? Limit the amount of personal information you provide, especially on social media. The more information…
HSBC Bank Malta plc is organising a workshop focusing on financial literacy for adults and you are invited if you would like to know more about how you can manage better your finances and save for your future. Light refreshments will be served after the workshop. Kids, too, between the ages of six and eleven…
We have been researching games and we came across this brilliant budget game – https://natwest.mymoneysense.com/students/students-8-12/the-budget-game/ If you are a teenager, you will love this NatWest Budget Game. Get yourself playing and you will surely get better with money management. Download our guidebook for free.
Are you aware of the benefits offered by the Social Security Department? Social Security Benefits are not only for those who are unemployed, sick or have the care and custody of their children. Nor can they be associated solely with retirees and surviving spouses. The Department provides a wide range of benefits under provisions of…
Vigilance is crucial so take all the precautionary steps : Verify the trustworthiness of the online vendor – Look for “secure transaction” symbols. Compare card transactions with the actual receipts – any suspicious or unknown transactions? When keying in your PIN, cover the keypad so others cannot see. Be sure that you get your card…
If you are considering terminating your employment through an early/voluntary redundancy scheme you may wish to consider the following: Option AOption B ** If after the lapse of the six months you are still unemployed, registering under the Part I of the JOBs+ register, you are granted unemployment benefits (UB) and awarded with social security…
14 August 2019 Kids Getting Budget Savvy! HSBC Malta Foundation and the Retirement and Financial Capability Group (RFCG) within the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity, through its Ġemma initiative, are collaborating on a financial literacy programme aimed at young children attending a number of Skolasajf centres this summer. Central to this…
Buy now, pay later: Goods, money, or services are given to you in exchange for the promise to pay at a future date. No money changes hands but you are billed monthly, because at the end of the day, money drawn would not have been drawn directly from your checking account, until the cost is…