Spending money wisely this Christmas and the Christmases to come Most of us are filled with enthusiasm as Christmas approaches, starting as early as beginning of November, only to be dismayed to find that many of us would have spent a good proportion of our salary, if not all, for gift giving or partying. This…

Extension of deadline – Four Poster Competitions on Financial Capability: Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8

The Education Officer for Accounting, Business Studies and Retail within the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes at the Ministry for Education and Employment together with the HSBC Malta Foundation and the Retirement and Financial Capability Unit within the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights, and Social Solidarity presents the ĠEMMA-HSBC Foundation Poster CompetitionWho is…

Deficiency Contributory Bonus

Up to year 2019, applicable to those who are aged between 62 and 74 and who do not have enough Social Security Contributions to qualify for a Contributory Pension. Deficiency Contributory Bonus, also known as DCB, was a budget year 2015 measure which came into effect on 1st January 2015. Those who have paid between…

Malta Budget Measures 2020

Parents who terminate their employment to care for suffering from a rare disease or disorder, which affects less than 1 in 2,000 Maltese residents, may be entitled to 208 credited contributions whereby the parent would have had to be born between 1st January 1952 and 31st December 1961, and shall not exceed 416 contributions in…