Keeping a pet incurs costs to care for properly and the financial obligations may not be for everyone. Before you get yourself a pet, ask yourself if you can make a lifelong commitment to taking good care of it.
The following are some of the expenses you need to consider in owning and caring for a pet:
- Buying the pet.
- Registration fees.
- Veterinarian expenses such as micro chipping, vaccination, de-sexing, worming, flea treatments, regular vet check-ups, etc.
- Pet food.
- Accessories – collars and leads, food and water bowls, kennels, beds, toys, toilet mats, scratching posts, etc.
- Pet insurance.
- Neutering the pet
- Other services – obedience training, grooming, etc.
Before taking on a pet, estimate the upfront and on-going expenses and see if you are comfortable with them. Remember, keeping a pet is a long-term commitment that can last well over 10 years. You should be aware that, just as the case for us humans, medical expenses would rise, as the pet gets older. Common medical treatments include dentistry and arthritis treatments.
Some pets are expensive to own. One way to find your new pet without breaking your budget is to adopt one at an animal shelter run by volunteer organisations or carrying out research over the Internet.
If you buy your pet, make sure you only buy from reputable pet shops for a better guarantee of a healthy pet. Some illegal breeders may sell sick or genetically flawed pets at low cost that can result in high medical expenses.