Although you might not be conversant in financial matters, it is never too late to comprehend them. Through this website, money management topics are being made simple by following simple online steps. It focuses on how you can prioritise your expenses to cover the MUST expenses such as electricity or internet bills which are considered as fixed or regular expenses. This is a balancing act which once mastered will definitely improve your financial situation.
A budget is a written plan that helps you know how much money you have coming in and what you need to spend it on. It helps you keep track of what you are spending to be able to successfully work toward your financial goals.
Our downloadable budget presentation which can be assessed here
1) generates thoughts
2) answers your queries
3) stimulates positive actions
- Set aside some money from each pay to cover fixed and variable expenses, including gifts along the year. Use used jars or used envelopes, or set up separate bank accounts for each type of expense; If needs be, go for standing order via the Bank;
- Nobody likes unforeseen expenses that tend to change the mood you are in! Thus, feel prepared by setting up a rainy day fund;
- Use your credit cards when necessary and wisely. Paying cash is a great way to limit your spending. Put in your wallet a predetermined amount of cash;
- No longer in a trap of living from one wage to the next, or one social benefit to the next, or one pension cheque to the next.
- Ease money stress and on top of your bills.
- On time payment for the things you need such as food and your current bills
- Prepared for emergencies and unplanned expenses
- Able to save for something special
- Able to direct your money to where it matters most.
- Goals setting so you can enjoy more of the good things in life.