Paying Off your debt

The first step is to check how much debt you have, and what sort it is. The high-interest debt costing you the most is the priority, not the no- or low-interest stuff. Loans that don’t charge high interest or fees are okay for now you should consider as a lower priority. It is s the…

Getting your debt under control

The following are ĠEMMA tips directed to help you to get your debt under control. 01. Get a clear understanding of what monies you owe. This is the first step – taking stock.  Put together a clear picture of your debts as well as (a) the minimum monthly repayment obligations.  Include credit cards, loan repayments,…

Getting Out of Debt Calculator

Can anything be done to get out of debt? The answer is yes. Here are some clever tactics to help you … List all of your debts, enter the balance that is still pending, enter the annual interest rate, and enter the required monthly payment for each debt.  Repayments need to be greater or equal…

Managing your debt

The consequences of you not paying off some debts before other debts can be serious. If you are struggling to make your repayments on time, you need to look at all your debts and split them as follows: Debt emergencies. Priority debts. Non-priority debts. What distinguishes a debt from a priority debt? Priority debts are…

Credit Card – The Granting Of A Loan

You are allowed to pay for credit-card purchases in two ways: full payment within a grace period of about a month, for which there is no interest fee or extended payments over a number of months, for which there are interest fees and charges. In many cases there is also an annual fee charged for…

Plan Your Retirement Date, When?

Whether you are in your young adulthood ranging in age from late teens / early twenties up to mid-thirties, in your adulthood from thirty-five years of age up to pre-retirement stage, whether you are working as an employee or a self-employed / self-occupied person, it is never too early nor too late to plan for…