ĠEMMA is running a financial capability education campaign that is co-financed under the European Social Fund. The campaign is directed towards 14 different categories of persons.
As part of its, campaign ĠEMMA has launched the following Handbook titled ‘Kief tieħu ħsieb flusek jekk id-dħul tal-famila huwa baxx’ directed towards persons in low employment income.
The Handbook is in Maltese and provides guidance and tips about:
- Maintaining a balance between income and expenditure.
- Maintaining a list of your expenditure and monitoring particularly priority items.
- Earning further income.
- Social benefits one may be eligible
- Disability benefits one may be eligible for.
- Social housing benefits one may be available for.
- Legal aid.
The My ĠEMMA Budget Planner is a supporting tool used in conjunction with this Handbook.