In late July, the HSBC Malta Foundation invited the ĠEMMA team to participate in a webinar directed towards HSBC staff to introduce the ĠEMMA Know, Plan, Act government initiative on financial capability as well as to present the Pulse Survey ĠEMMA is currently carrying out on Household Money Management.
This is one other initiative that ĠEMMA has working partnership with the HSBC Malta Foundation on financial capability – including work shops carried out at Skolasajf on budgeting and advertising in 2019 and 2020 respectively; an interactive play on financial capability titled ‘ĠEMMA Ftit’ and the holding of the play in primary schools, a poster competition on ‘ĠEMMA and Savings’ with the poster to be exhibited at Esplora in September and October 2020. Most of these initiatives where directed towards pupils in primary and secondary schools.