The poster sets out the key message of the campaign. We at ĠEMMA encourage you to print any one of these posters and circulate them to people you know – like your butcher, stationery, grocer, etc.
This results from the fact that persons who are employed with a family business receive a low wage. At times, if the spouse is also working with the family business there are instances where he or she receives no wage at all. To qualify for a contributory pension a person must be employed and must pay the 10% social security contribution on his or her gross wage.
Thus, the lower the wage the lower is the pension income that a person will receive when her or she retires. And if the person is not formally employed with the family business then he or she will not qualify for the contributory pension income. Rather, on retirement they may be eligible for the Old Age pension which is means tested.
The underlaying educational message of the campaign is that persons who work with a family business must (i) ensure that they are employed; and (ii) that they are in receipt of a fair pay that reflects what the market pays for such a job.