The ĠEMMA 5th Household Survey on Money Management can be downloaded by clicking here. The following are some of the key findings:
- With 79% responses (previously 84%), overall the general public feels that it is in control of their financial situation.
- 76% tend to plan out monthly expenditures by making budgets.
- The number of individuals having funds to last them more than 3 months stands at 34%, and is in line with September results. Such figure evidences that November was an out layer in comparison to other studies.
- Those having funds to last them two months or more stands at 68%.
- 59% of the population indicated that their financial situation has not altered over the past three months.
- 55% of respondents indicated that they have been able to save over the past three months.
- Overall, 56% of respondents consider themselves to be knowledgeable on money matters.
19 pandemic, 29% of respondents are more inclined to save for a rainy day once things return to normal. This is the lowest figure to tend and indicates that once the situation normalises people are likely to resort to pre-COVID financial management behaviour.