During a meeting with the Malta Chamber members, Prime Minister Robert Abela announced that both wage supplement and government vouchers would continue until the end of October. These were initially both valid until the end of September.
The wage supplement which came into effect last March, of €800 or less depending on eligibility, is the government’s contribution to the employer to support the wages of the employees.
It has been a fruitful measure introduced by the government – an economic response to limit the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Over 100,000 workers have benefited from the wage supplement.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government also issued a set of vouchers to all those living in Malta, aged 16 and older. Each received €100 in vouchers to be spent locally at various outlets such as restaurants, in accommodation and retail stores to boost the economy.
Prime Minister Robert Abela also mentioned that the 2021 National Budget would include longer-term measures for government assistance to businesses. He said that the Budget focuses on five pillars bourne out of the discussion with the Venice Commission on a democratic European vision. Abela also mentioned the re-opening of schools, which have been closed now for six months. “The final decisions will be taken following the scientific advice which health Authorities will give us.”