The ĠEMMA November 2024 Newsletter is now online!
The November edition of the Ġemma newsletter is now online. We encourage you to click on the image below to read the latest edition.
The November edition of the Ġemma newsletter is now online. We encourage you to click on the image below to read the latest edition.
This national research study carried out with Maltese residents aged between 18-79 years, formed part of an international study of adult financial literacy, led by OECD’s International Network on Financial Education (INFE) arm amongst 37 countries in 2023. Malta participated in the 2018 and 2023 OECD/INFE international surveys of adult financial literacy. In this Report,…
The March edition of the Ġemma newsletter is now online. We encourage you to click on the image below to read the latest edition.
Malta through ĠEMMA has participated in the the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD/Internation Network for Financial Education (INFE) international research for measuring financial literacy and financial inclusion with research carried out by market research agency, M.FSADNI & Associates. Wednesday 6th March saw the launch of the outcomes of the OECD adult financial literacy…
This multiple-choice online quiz features seven engaging questions covering essential topics like pensions, budgeting, and saving. Achieve the perfect score and you’ll earn a chance to enter our exciting competition, where you could win €100 worth of One4All Gift Vouchers! To participate, visit this page…/1FAIpQLScbu2T29V6GOZ…/viewform Each participant can participate in the quiz only once…
Do you have a start-up, are you self-employed or self-occupied, an entrepreneur starting on your own business or someone thinking of becoming self-employed? ĠEMMA, the Malta Tax and Customs Administration, HSBC Malta Foundation and EY have all teamed up to offer you a free, online Business Masterclass composed of an number of interesting and very…
The first edition of the Ġemma newsletter is now online. We encourage you to click on the image below to read the latest edition.
Appetizer – Classic Devilled Eggs These devilled eggs are delicious. Top them with different combinations to keep your imagination running and your guests’ taste buds rejoicing. Our devilled eggs recipe gives you a creamy taste that no one can resist…so be warned, once you put them down on the table, they will not be there…
In collaboration with JA Malta, ‘The Interviewer’ Trudy Kerr is bringing a special edition of the SHE Word. This is a mini-series that is going to run over the next 12 weeks with Petra Ellul-Mercer talking about money. A topic that we all need to improve and manage better. These conversations go into different aspects…
By virtue of the amendment to Article 381 of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure, Cap.12. of the Laws of Malta, a garnishee order cannot be issued on: benefits pensions allowances aid as referred to in the Social Security Act (Cap.381.), nor on private pension other pensions benefits allowances issued by the Government (local…