Set a monthly budget for your expenses. Find a job to learn the value of earning for a living. Separate savings money from spending money. Learn the difference between a debit card and  a credit card. Prioritise the things you need to buy over the things you want to buy. Learn price consciousness – how…

First National Financial Literacy Quiz Held

14 May 2019 First National Financial Literacy Quiz Held Conceptualised by the Department of Accounting and Business Studies within the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes (DLAP) at the Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) and supported by HSBC Malta Foundation as part of its Future Skills programme, the 1st edition of a national financial…

Maintaining Your Home

Beyond the long list of costs related to buying a home, maintaining a home costs money, too. In this section, you’ll find information about the types of essential expenses you will need to budget for. Mortgage Payments This will be one of your biggest on-going expenses. Speak with your bank about automatically deducting your mortgage…

Managing Money in a Second Marriage

Remarrying or living with a new partner or spouse often involves adjusting to a different financial relationship. Accommodating changed money roles and personalities may require breaking old patterns and adopting new ones. There are typical issues that arise with any newly married couple such as when to spend versus save, how much debt is too…