We are living in game changing times. Some are bearing the brunt of COVID-19 more than others. Yet all of us are affected in a way that will scar us for the rest of our lives. Whilst health is foremost on our mind, next top on our priorities is our financial well-being. A number of us have already been affected – either by losing their job or being placed on reduced hours. Others not necessarily affected as of now are concerned that they will be next on this list: will my job be here in 3, 6, or 12 months? Will my contract be renewed?
The result is anxiety, depression, uncertainty. For many, COVID-19 made us question how we manage our money. Where we careful and put aside some money aside for a rainy day? Have spent what we earn on those things that make life fun as we assumed that the economic boom and wealth generated will always remain there: that there is always tomorrow which allow us to replinish what we spend?
COVID-19 is making many of us re-think and re-jig how we manage our money; what is a need and a must, and what we can truly do without, what is truly worth keeping, and what is not. COVID-19 has placed more focus on our structural costs – energy, water, telecommunications, food, and all of that: it is also making us more creative and rigorours on elementing waste and cut off revenue leakage to the absolute minimum.
There is no better time to set your financial goals, your saving plans, and planning and managing you finances better. These are money management skills that will help you in these difficult times. Make this your NEW NORMAL – and make sure that life starts returning to some form of what it used to be make sure that you retain them so that your NEW NORMAL becomes more enriching than your old normal.
One important tool that you should use is a budget planner. Use our My ĠEMMA Budget planner to help you plan and manage your money much better. Download My ĠEMMA Budget planner by clicking here and the user guidebook by clicking here.