The Handbook is in Maltese and provides guidance and tips in relation to:
- Importance of budgeting.
- Avoiding debt.
- Increase your abilities to increase your earnings.
- How to seek employment.
- How to save.
- Seeking independent living accommodation.
- Obtaining the EU Disability Card.
- Use of Assistive Technology.
- Social benefits you are entitled.
- Other benefits you are entitled to.
To download our eBook titled ‘Kif tieħu ħsieb flusek jekk id-dħul tal-familja huwa baxx’ kindly click here.
ĠEMMA is running a financial capability education campaign that is co-financed under the European Social Fund. The campaign is directed towards different 14 categories of persons.
As part of its campaign ĠEMMA has launched the following handbook titled ‘Indipendenza finanzjarja għall-persuni b’diżabilità’ directed towards guiding disabled persons who seek to be independent – where-in understanding and managing money is one important competency that allows a disabled person to attain this goal.
The My ĠEMMA Budget Planner is a supporting tool that is to be used with this handbook.
My ĠEMMA Budget Planner
Track your spending by making use of My ĠEMMA Budget Planner tool which is easily accessible. This tool enables you to list your expenses against your income to achieve your financial goals.
To download the guidebook, please click here.
We invite you to download and share this eBook, planner and planner guidebook.