What makes a Self-employed Business Owner Financially Capable?

Are you self-employed? Do you know what makes a self-employed person financially capable? A study titled ‘Financial education for entrepreneurs’ (ACCA – 2014) concludes that a self-employed business owner to be financially capable must be able to: Distinguish between personal and business finances. Be a competent buyer of financial services – understanding financial products, their…

Phishing Scam Alert by the Central Bank of Malta

ĠEMMA alerts persons to a phishing scam alert issued by the Central Bank of Malta.  This phishing scam is aimed at getting confidential bank account information. Messages purporting to be sent by the Central Bank of Malta direct the recipient to a phishing site. This approach is a scam – as the Central Bank of…

What ĠEMMA readers want to know

and more ĠEMMA has designed an FAQ page equipped with a comprehensive collection of valuable information to answer many of your frequently asked questions related to pensions and money management. We did not guess what topics we should cover but instead we framed the questions just as the users have asked them.  They are specific, to the point and…

Understanding Money Management across Different Life Stages

Your attitude to money management is not the same across different stages of your life.  Indeed your attitude to money management changes as you grow older and you assume greater life responsibilities.  The stages in your life journey when it comes to money management are basically 5. The Table below presents how your attitude and…