ĠEMMA, the Government initiative within the Ministry for Social Justice and Solidarity, the Family and Children’s Rights and the popular PRIME TIME programme have teamed together to exhibit in a creative style the educational work that ĠEMMA has been implementing on financial capability. These short televised sessions conducted by the renowned Owen Bonnici will be…

Mobile Banking

We are living in an increasingly mobile world, with Wi-Fi available almost anywhere, anytime, and more recently always on Internet. It is no surprise that just every bank in Malta now offers mobile banking capabilities. In 2018, ĠEMMA carried out the OECD / INFE national survey on financial literacy in Malta. The Table below shows…

Research Analysis on the ESF co-financed Campaign on Financial Capability and Tertiary Education Students

ĠEMMA publishes the Research Analysis on the ESF co-financed Campaign on Financial Capability and Tertiary Education Students.  The Research Analysis report identifies the following key points: There is a general consensus that life goals and lifestyle played an important role in defining financial capability. There is a unanimous consensus that a monthly income is an…

Understanding Money Management across Different Life Stages

Your attitude to money management is not the same across different stages of your life.  Indeed your attitude to money management changes as you grow older and you assume greater life responsibilities.  The stages in your life journey when it comes to money management are basically 5. The Table below presents how your attitude and…

Money Management Rules of Thumb for Teenagers and Young Adults are to Follow

This post presents money management Rules of Thumb for teenagers and young adults are to follow. Rules of Thumb are useful short-cuts that nudge people of all ages and in different contexts to make financial decisions. Research overseas shows that most young people welcome tips and Rule of Thumb guidance to help them manage their…

ĠEMMA Handbook for Persons on Low Income

ĠEMMA is running a financial capability education campaign that is co-financed under the European Social Fund.  The campaign is directed towards 14 different categories of persons. As part of its, campaign ĠEMMA has launched the following Handbook titled ‘Kief tieħu ħsieb flusek jekk id-dħul tal-famila huwa baxx’ directed towards persons in low employment income. The…