Ben Camille explains the Importance of Budgeting

This is the second video that Ben Camille and ĠEMMA produced together.  Ben Camille and Xtrina discuss their experiences with budgeting: When Ben Camille and Xtrina recognised the importance of budgeting. The importance of budgeting household expenses so that Ben and Xtrina remain on top of things. Why Ben Camille and Xtrina decided to keep track of their expences. Why Ben Camille and…

Easy Steps to Protect Yourself Against Scams and Fraud: Securing your Windows 10 Machine

Click on this link to download the Windows 10 Machine Security Guidebook.  Also, have you followed our Little Black Books on Scam and Fraud series? As you will quickly realise a good number of the scams and frauds discussed in the Little Black Books are the result of hacking of your computer, tablet, and mobile through the Internet.  Once the scammer gets access to your device s/he will practically do what s/he wants – scrummaging your records for personal and financial information as well as changing the security and settings of your device so that s/he…

Do you know Ben Camille?

Ben Camille is the host and co-producer of one of Malta’s most popular TV shows – The X Factor Malta.  Ben Camille has joined ĠEMMA to help it communicate the ĠEMMA Know, Plan, Act message on retirement and money management.  Ben Camille and ĠEMMA are working together to produce a series of videos setting out…

Financial Capability Fun Books Education Competition: Announcing the Results

Financial Capability Fun Books Education Competition:  Announcing the Results In August 2020, ĠEMMA within the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Justice, the Family and Children’s Rights and the Department of Learning and Assistance Programmes within the Ministry for Education launched a Financial Capability Fun Books Education Competition. The purpose of the competition was to attract…