ĠEMMA within the Ministry for Social Justice and Solidarity, the Family and Children’s Rights Teams up with the Chamber of SMES for the provision of financial capability coaching to self employed persons and small business owners Being self-employed definitely has its advantages – for one, you are your own boss.  Yet you are also likely…

Research Analysis on Preparing an ESF co-financed Campaign on Financial Capability and Widows and Widowers

ĠEMMA publishes the Research Analysis on the Preparation of an ESF co-financed Campaign on Financial Capability and Widows and Widowers.  The Research Analysis report identifies the following key points: The expenses of most participants related to household maintenance and healthcare. Only a very small minority mentioned travelling for leisure. The financial assets and resources for…

Research Analysis on the ESF co-financed Campaign on Financial Capability and Tertiary Education Students

ĠEMMA publishes the Research Analysis on the ESF co-financed Campaign on Financial Capability and Tertiary Education Students.  The Research Analysis report identifies the following key points: There is a general consensus that life goals and lifestyle played an important role in defining financial capability. There is a unanimous consensus that a monthly income is an…