Hon Michael Falzon inaugurates students exhibition for GEMMA initiative

The Poster Competition Award Ceremony took place on the 22nd September at Esplora Interactive Science Centre in Kalkara. Minister for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity Michael Falzon praised this initiative and the collaboration of partnerships between ĠEMMA, HSBC Malta Foundation and the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes.  He also stressed the importance…

Understanding Key Factors that may Impact your Retirement: Inflation (1)

In a recent post, we discussed how life expectancy could impact your retirement planning. There are other key factors to take into account when planning for your retirement. The first is inflation.  Inflation represents the general sustained increase in prices resulting from the demand for goods.  Obviously, the prices of selected goods may increase for…

ĠEMMA Financial Capability Awareness Campaign for Persons Employed with a Family Business

ĠEMMA is running a financial capability education campaign that is co-financed under the European Social Fund.  The campaign is directed towards 14 different categories of persons.  As part of its campaign ĠEMMA has launched the following Handbook titled ‘Taħdem fin-negozju tal-familja?  Il-bolla hija mod ta’ kif tassigura l-pensjoni tiegħek.  Hallasha!’ directed towards persons who are…