Applicable to those non-pensioners who would have reached state pension age but who do not have enough Social Security Contributions to qualify for a Contributory Pension. Deficiency Contribution Bonus DCB was a budget 2015 measure which came into effect as from 1st January 2015. With effect from January 2020, bonus will not come to a…

Self-Employed Start-Up – Part 1

Going self-employed in Malta – Wondering from where to start? What steps to take? What applications to submit? ĠEMMA has got a guide — Self-Employed Start-Up — divided into two parts to enable you to understand the key steps to start up your own business in Malta Jobs+ You need to register with Jobs+ (formerly…

ĠEMMA and the ALADDIN Panto

ĠEMMA, as part of its 3rd Onfoq bil-Għaqal Campaign, in December 2019 / January 2020 partnered with the Aladdin Panto (held at the Catholic Institute, Floriana) to integrate within the Panto story a scene highlighting the importance of saving and how one can prioritise on spending. Another scene was dedicated to the interaction with children…

How much do you pay in Social Security Contributions?

What is a contribution? The social security contribution is also referred to as ‘bolla’ in Maltese.  ‘Bolla’ refers to the ‘stamp’ that used to be manually affixed to a person’s notebook showing the number of contributions a person paid. A social security contribution is also referred to as SSC or NI, in abbreviated terms. The…

Cost of Living Increase

The value of money, like the value of anything else, is whatever it can be exchanged for – in other words – it’s purchasing power. A rise in prices means that the value money has fallen (buying less with what you have); a fall in prices means that the value of money has risen. Employees,…

Financial Literacy Accredited Course

Financial Literacy Accredited Course at the Malta College for Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST) The Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity in collaboration with the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology is offering an accredited course in Financial Literacy at MQF Award level 3 to those working with disadvantaged groups. The…

Online Banking

It can be easily described as an electronic payment system that enables customers of the bank to carry out a range of financial transactions through the financial institution’s website. Online banking is also known as internet banking. This service can be used via a personal computer/laptop, tablet, smart phone or smart tv. Online banking allows…