Maltese Social Security Benefits

The term social security benefits refers to various benefits (contributory and non-contributory) that fall under the remit of the Department of Social Security (DSS) in accordance to the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.) whereby the applicant would receive monetary benefits. Benefits include pension payments to retirees, payments to widowers, invalidity pension payments, maternity payments, payments…

When do you start investing?

When you know your needs, your goals and your risk tolerance. When you have done an investment plan, outweighing different types of products, and choosing the one that best suits you, among many alternatives. When you have checked all the charges involved. When you have got plenty of money in your cash savings account –…

Investing: Your Introductory Guide

Investment … to put money to use; financial products are something you buy or put your money into to get a profitable return; such as compound interest products. The simplest way to save is to put a sum of money aside and continue adding to it periodically. However, money saved in this way is not…

Crypto currencies

Increasingly, have you been hearing more and more about crypto-currencies? … which is one form of crypto currencies, has become part of our language.  Yet most of us do not know what crypto currencies are and how they work. This is a link to a short BBC feature which explains in a simple manner what…

Let’s help the vulnerable become financially capable – A level 3 Qualification!

Under the European Social Fund project titled ‘Knowledge, Training, Communications and Support Measures in Support of Vulnerable Groups’ (ESF2.63) the Malta Council for the Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) partnered with the Retirement and Financial Capability Group (RFCG), within the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights, and Social Solidarity to design and launch a training…