First National Financial Literacy Quiz Held

14 May 2019 First National Financial Literacy Quiz Held Conceptualised by the Department of Accounting and Business Studies within the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes (DLAP) at the Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) and supported by HSBC Malta Foundation as part of its Future Skills programme, the 1st edition of a national financial…


Seems complex , yet so simple. What is a bond? A bond can be thought of as basically a loan agreement. There are different classes of bonds, with differing bond characteristics. Who can issue bonds? Businesses and governments issue certificates of debt, called bonds. It is a certificate showing that the bondholder has lent a…

Gambler or Saver?

After trying our profile, click here to read our post related to it so that you will acquire knowledge and be in a better position to take informed decisions relating to your financial matters that fit your personal circumstances.

The Effect of Pension Reforms on Retirement in Malta

An interview was conducted by The Malta Independent with David Spiteri Gingell, about Malta’s pension system, which is stronger than ever.  However, more work needs to be done – David Spiteri Gingell. Click here to view the full interview. Click here to read the first part of the interview. What has been the effect of…

Hands protecting money / money growth

Pension in Malta – David Spiteri Gingell

An interview was conducted by The Malta Independent with David Spiteri Gingell. David Spiteri Gingell, who has been involved in pensions reform since 2004, is responsible for the implementation of the 2017-2019 Retirement and Financial Capability Strategy. This strategy seeks to increase an individual’s financial and retirement capability to be in a better position to…


Going abroad is a financial goal, that requires thought, planning and a travelling budget. It is not just buying a flight ticket and placing a deposit on accommodation.  There is much more to it. Click on below links to download our guide and calculator to plan, achieve and make the most of your abroad experience!…