Having a Baby

A big transition. Having a baby is one of the most exciting experiences, yet it changes your priorities. A baby requires commitment:  It involves lots of hard work from the moment the baby is born.  It involves financial costs, time, dedication and will impact you in practically every area of your life. In fact, children’s’ needs…

Malta Budget Measures 2020

Parents who terminate their employment to care for suffering from a rare disease or disorder, which affects less than 1 in 2,000 Maltese residents, may be entitled to 208 credited contributions whereby the parent would have had to be born between 1st January 1952 and 31st December 1961, and shall not exceed 416 contributions in…


An Interactive Learning Experience in Financial Capability for Primary School Puplis – Year 4 to Year 6CIRCULAR Financial capability is an essential life-skill and early exposure to basic concepts help young people to have a more financially sustainable future. Year 4 up to Year 6 pupils now have the opportunity to an engaging learning event…

What is identity theft? – Take Our Quiz

What is identity theft? This is the fraudulent practice of using another person’s personal information, assuming his/ her identity in order to obtain a material advantage to commit fraud or other criminal acts. What can you do to protect yourself? Limit the amount of personal information you provide, especially on social media. The more information…

Save the date – 12th October

HSBC Bank Malta plc is organising a workshop focusing on financial literacy for adults and you are invited if you would like to know more about how you can manage better your finances and save for your future. Light refreshments will be served after the workshop. Kids, too,  between the ages of six and eleven…

Getting Out of Debt Calculator

Can anything be done to get out of debt? The answer is yes. Here are some clever tactics to help you … List all of your debts, enter the balance that is still pending, enter the annual interest rate, and enter the required monthly payment for each debt.  Repayments need to be greater or equal…