Private Pensions – A Summary

Malta, like many other countries is facing challenges due to its aging population and this is increasing the burden on the state pension system. Starting a private pension plan is becoming increasingly important to secure an adequate standard of living after retirement. Private pension plans might offer tax rebates and financial security without affecting the…

ĠEMMA – Free SME Masterclass Sessions

Do you have a start-up, are you self-employed or self-occupied, an entrepreneur starting on your own business or someone thinking of becoming self-employed? ĠEMMA, the Malta Tax and Customs Administration, HSBC Malta Foundation and EY have all teamed up to offer you a free, online Business Masterclass composed of an number of interesting and very…

Loans and Debt

What is a loan? A loan is an arrangement under which a lender allows another party the use of funds in exchange for an interest payment and the return of the funds at the end of the lending arrangement. Generally when we speak about a loan we are referring to a sum of money that…

What is the purpose of a private pension?

Malta, like several other nations, is facing challenges posed by an aging population. As the proportion of elderly citizens continues to rise, the burden on the state pension system has increased significantly. At the same time, the low pension income may fall short of providing retirees with a comfortable standard of living. This combination of…

ĠEMMA & Skolasajf 2023

This year’s edition of Skolasajf organised by the Foundation for Educational Services was “Peace by Piece”. The theme encourages people to do their part, no matter how small, as everyone’s contribution will impact our overall well-being. The collaboration of ĠEMMA and HSBC Malta Foundation aimed at teaching the children to become more aware of the…