What Factors should I consider before I decide to Invest in a Personal Pension Plan?

Prior to investing your savings into a private retirement pension product or any other savings or investment product, it is important that you think carefully about your unique needs and overall financial situation.  This will allow you to determine whether the investment is right for you.  The following are matters you should take into account:…

GEMMA Fun Book Education Competition

Over 51 entries were entered  by 36 different authors in the ĠEMMA Financial Capability Education Fun Books Competition which closed on the 30th September 2020. The stories needed to cover topics related to financial capability like managing a debt; budgeting; building a safety net; planning for the future; underdstanding basic investment and understanding basic consumer…

Thinking About Investing in Shares?

The ĠEMMA Risk Profile Quiz COVID-19 is having a negative impact on businesses and economies. For some of you this may be an opportunity – investing in shares whilst they are down: as the adage goes, what goes down, goes up. With the banking sector rendering it hard to get much interest back these days…


ĠEMMA is running a financial capability education campaign that is co-financed under the European Social Fund.  The campaign is directed towards different 14 categories of persons.  As part of its campaign ĠEMMA has launched the following handbook titled ‘Taħdem għal rasek?’ providing guidance and tips to persons who are self-employed on financial capability and money…