Minister for Social Policy and Children’s Rights Michael Falzon gives opening remarks at the European Network Conference on Debt Advice Development

The European Consumer Debt Network (ECDN) held its European 2023 Conference at the Salini Resort Hotel on the 23rd March. This was a hybrid format full-day event with speakers and participants hailing from different European countries, taking part physically and online. The conference focused on EU funded project for the Provision of a European…

Low cost easter lunch

Appetizer – Classic Devilled Eggs These devilled eggs are delicious. Top them with different combinations to keep your imagination running and your guests’ taste buds rejoicing. Our devilled eggs recipe gives you a creamy taste that no one can resist…so be warned, once you put them down on the table, they will not be there…

Il-fuljett tal-Ministeru għall-Politika Soċjali u d-Drittijiet tat-Tfal; FAMILJA AĦJAR

Dan huwa t-tieni fuljett tal-Ministeru għall-Politika Soċjali u d-Drittijiet tat-Tfal; FAMILJA AĦJAR. Dan is-suppliment annwali għandu l-għan li joħloq għarfien dwar il-miżuri mħabbra fl-aħħar budget fi tmiem is-sena preċedenti. F’din it-tieni edizzjoni qed ikunu ippreżentati 21 miżura li jolqtu direttament jew indirettament lil familji u/jew individwi Maltin u Għawdxin fis-saffi kollha tas-soċjetà. Nittamaw li ssibu…

ĠEMMA and the generations

Financial capability is made up of several factors. The key elements are: Ability – focused on financial knowledge and skills Connection – our engagement with money and access to financial services and products Mindset – Our values and attitudes towards money These three factors interact to influence a child’s financial behaviour. Research suggests mindset and…

PRESS RELEASE: ĠEMMA Launches VORPS training sessions

ĠEMMA Know, Plan, Act within the office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Social Policy and Children’s Rights and EMCS Academy, within EMCS Ltd, recently delivered a series of training sessions targetting Human Resources Managers, CEOs and Managing Directors introducing the integration of Voluntary Occupational Retirement Pension Schemes (VORPS).  The Ministry through ĠEMMA…